Custom refrigerated cabinet for wines, cured meats, and cheeses with a 1960s design, featuring four robust double-glazed doors with large hinges and handles, and a snap lever that recalls a vintage style. Aesthetically rustic and “old,” yet practical and highly functional for its use. It is equipped with two adjustable stainless steel shelves, a meat hanging rail with two adjustable stainless steel tubes, an internal 3000K LED light, and an electronic control unit recessed in a stainless steel grid at the bottom right. The sides are made of water-resistant laminated board, while the front and door frames are made of laminated plywood with a choice of finishes from the options provided.
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MOVING GLASS E METAL DESIGN S.R.L. | P.IVA 02193920283 | Cap. Sociale 46.800 € i.v. | Codice REA 214580 | PEC: | Made with 💚 by SOSIDEE