The “Havana” showcase is a custom refrigerated unit with air agitators designed for the maintenance and preservation of loose cigars or cigars in boxes (and wines or spirits upon specific request). It consists of a stainless steel monocoque module with a full-glass hinged door with a Ral 7044 (silk gray) painted edge, a stainless steel countertop, cedar wood drawers on total extraction stainless steel guides, with stainless steel mirror front panels and vertical 3000°K LED lighting. Built-in display case (with raw sides) with pivot hinges, thermostat, and a hidden technical compartment behind the door.
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MOVING GLASS E METAL DESIGN S.R.L. | P.IVA 02193920283 | Cap. Sociale 46.800 € i.v. | Codice REA 214580 | PEC: | Made with 💚 by SOSIDEE